PlanetClaire readers know how much I love crafts. My friend Pierce at work got the most clever greeting card. It's a punch out Jumping Jack. I had my daughter put it together and now it's hanging on our tree. Cute, cute, cute.
It’s the second Brownie meeting of the year and Maureen, the mom hosting the meeting, decides to take our eight Brownies to Piner’s Nursing Home for Christmas caroling. Click here to read more Surrendering to Motherhood...
From all of us (me) at PlanetClaire, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
When I talk to my girlfriends who have sisters, they always tell me how great they get along now, but how much they hated each other growing up.
Someone please transport me 10 years into the future, because my husband and I have three girls at home (ages 8 to 14) who want to kill each other on a regular basis.
Well, things were pretty busy at PlanetClaire headquarters over this past four day weekend but Mrs. PC found time to ID these spiffy rain boots at a local department store. Not only did I try them on for size and photograph them, I printed out said photo and left it on Mr. PC's desk as a not so subtle Christmas gift hint. I hope they appear under my tree :)
Welcome to Jennifer's Planet Claire. I'm an 80s new wave music AND a Barbie fan. I'm also a mom of three and reporter for a daily newspaper in Napa California.
I love my job, and I love my family. The question is: can the two get along?